
Our Services

Mine Search Reports

ASI can arrange Desktop Mining Reports for properties throughout the South West.

Phase 1, 2, 3 & 4

Contaminated land reports.

Soil & Water Analysis Reports

Comprehensive analysis and reporting for soil and water.

Trenching Investigations

Excavating a series of trenches across the site.

Drilling Investigations

Assessment by rotary percussive drilling.

Footings Inspections

Inspection of the foundation trenches prior to building.

Waste Classification Assessments

(WCA) are required for excess waste generated for landfill disposal.

  • Structural Survey Reports
  • Geothermal Drilling
  • Piling
  • Underpinning
  • Shaft Capping
  • Risk Assessments
  • Cliff Stabilisation
  • Landfill Gas Testing
  • PBET (arsenic) Analysis
  • Geochemical Laboratories
  • Disposal of Contaminated Soil
  • Waste Acceptance Criteria (WAC)

Phase 1, 2, 3 and 4 Contaminated Land Reports

Phase 1, 2, 3 and 4 Contaminated Land ReportsPhase 1 - The Phase 1 contaminated land survey is designed to give an overview of the risks of contamination to end users and the immediate environment. The report includes a walkover survey and a detailed study of the site history and current setting. The report should be submitted to the relevant Local Authority for assessment prior to any further investigations/analysis taking place on the property. Following submission, further reports/investigations may be required in order to safely develop the property.

Phase 2 - Further reporting on a site with potential problems should be in the form of a Phase 2 Site Investigation Report. Should this demonstrate that the site is not contaminated then no further works will be required. If the Phase 2 report demonstrates that the site is contaminated, further reporting and additional testing may be required by the Local Authority and possibly the Environment Agency, before the site development can progress.

Phase 3 - On completion of all Phase 2 on-site testing works and in conjunction with confirmation of the final site layout, a Phase 3 Remediation Strategy Report should be completed to demonstrate how the site can be safely developed in respect of the end users. This will detail the methods to deal with each risk in respect of the property development.

Phase 4 - Following acceptance of the Phase 3 report by the appropriate Authority, a Phase 4 Verification Report will then be required as the final report. This will be issued upon completion of the development works in order to prove that the Phase 3 recommendations have been carried out satisfactorily.

Soil & Water Analysis Reports

Soil & water analysis ReportsASI UK offers comprehensive analysis and reporting for soil and water. This can be as part of a Phase 2 report or as specific testing from a single sample up to multiple samples for large, complex sites.

Detailed reports are produced with site maps, interpretation and recommendations.

Much of Cornwall suffers from a history of poor soils, principally due to its industrial heritage. This has resulted in many complications and heavy costs with regards new planning regulations.

As such we are working with planning industry experts in developing a range of techniques, which will satisfy planning requirements and help to keep cost down.

Trenching Investigations

Trenching InvestigationsNew development plots are often investigated for old mine workings by excavating a series of trenches across the site, under the supervision of a Mining Geologist.

These are often carried out with the use of large 'JCB' digging machines to expose any potential ground features which may be problematic.

Testing for further ground information such as soak-a-way testing, CBR (ground bearing capacity, etc. can also be arranged).

Drilling Investigations

Drilling InspectionsWhere an existing property is deemed to be at risk from subsidence due to old mine workings, the usual and most efficient method of assessment is by rotary percussive drilling. A series of inclined holes are drilled beneath the property to check for voids or backfilled mine workings.

If any mine workings are found, the next stage would be to assess the risk with an appropriate Chartered Buildings Professional (e.g. a Chartered Structural/Civil Engineer). Occasionally additional drilling may be required.

Drilling investigations are sometimes used for open plots, where trenching is not practical, possibly due to access restrictions.

Footings Inspections

Footings InspectionsLocal authorities will sometimes require that a client carries out an inspection of the foundation trenches prior to building works commencing.

This involves and examination of the completed excavations by a Mining Geologist to ensure that the trenches have not been excavated across old mine workings. A concise factual report is then produced for submission to the appropriate facility.


Waste Classification Assessments

Waste Classification AssessmentsUnder government legislation a Waste Classification Assessment (WCA) are required for excess waste generated for landfill disposal. This can be excavated soil, rubble or similar types of waste classified under the List of Waste (LoW). The WCA classifies the waste as either 'non hazardous' or 'hazardous' for landfill disposal purposes and is required for waste management and transportation purposes.

The WCA can be included within the phased contaminated land assessment process, therefore enabling you to be compliant with existing regulations relating to the transportation of waste material.


Mine Search Reports

Mine Search ReportsASI can arrange Desktop Mining Reports for properties throughout the South West. Sometimes these are referred to as Metalliferous reports or Mine Search reports.

A mine search is an ‘historic mining’ risk assessment to determine the presence of any possible mine workings within the site bounds, that could affect the surface elevation through subsidence, in general for the purpose of property conveyance. Subsidence can be caused through the presence of near surface mining excavations that can slump or collapse, causing structural damage to dwellings and surrounding land.

Cornwall and indeed many parts of the south-west of England have seen significant historic industrial mining activity and related infrastructure. During the eighteenth century Cornwall was responsible for supplying in excess of two thirds of the worlds copper demand.

Geology MapReports are compiled using historic maps and references relating to the South-West mining industry. Relevant information pertaining to local geology has been obtained through the British Geological Survey 1:50,000 series.

Mining reports are considered mandatory for mortgage and insurance purposes for property conveyancing in old mining districts. These districts often cover larger areas than you might expect, with mining having occurred in Cornwall, Devon and Somerset.

If a property is shown to be at risk from subsidence or contamination due to historical mining activity, ASI UK has the resources and experience necessary to deal with any such problems.